Impact de l’amorçage rythmique sur la production de la parole chez des personnes atteintes de la maladie de Parkinson

Jun 13, 2022 — Jun 17, 2022
Université de Nantes
Île de Noirmoutier,

In this contribution, we present the results of a pilot study on the impact of rhythmic priming, i.e. listening to rhythmic auditory stimuli, on speech production in Parkinson’s disease. We were interested in prosody, which is one of the aspects often reported to be strongly impaired in Parkinson’s disease. The task consisted of listening to auditory stimuli and reading sentences. Three conditions were studied : a condition where the rhythm was consistent with the rhythmic structure of the target sentence, a condition where the rhythm was inconsistent with the target sentence, and a condition without priming. Different aspects such as speech rhythm metrics based on vowel and consonant duration, prominence and reading latency were analyzed. We discuss the preliminary results and the relevance of our approach.

Leonardo Contreras Roa
Leonardo Contreras Roa
Profesor de fonética y fonología inglesa

Fonetista y profesor de inglés, doctor en lingüística

